Ecostack Innovations was at the European Geosciences Union Assembly (EGU23)
As an innovation SME working in the environmental sector, at Ecostack Innovations we are continuously engaged with the scientific community. Over the past few days, we were in Vienna to present our ongoing work on nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation at this year’s General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU23), which was held at the Austrian Centre Vienna, between 23 – 28 April.
CEO Dr Mario Balzan has presented his work on planning effective and multifunctional nature-based solutions by sharing insights from the case-study of Malta. During his presentation, he analysed the use of urban ecosystem service assessment to prioritise nature-based solutions based (NBS) based on existing distributional patterns, presented recent case-studies of nature-based solutions implementation and identified gaps, challenges and enablers to more effective and multifunctional nature-based solutions. Ongoing projects, such as the EIT New European Bauhaus ReCreate and the Horizon 2020 project GoGreenRoutes were discussed with the session participants.
The annual EGU General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world to discuss the latest research and developments in a wide range of fields. This year’s event was attended in person by nearly 15,453 attendees from 107 countries and followed online by 3,378.